Friday, November 04, 2005

Data security and you

Your US govt is apparently considering a bill that will reduce the amount of privacy you're entitled to while curtailing your rights to take action when your private information is leaked or stolen.

The Data Accountablity and Trust Act (DATA - you know some recent Ivy League grad came up with that nugget after his/her 4th Jolt cola late into an all-nighter in the Russell Building) will raise the "trigger" that forces the commercial data brokers like ChoicePoint and Lexus-Nexis to disclose data breaches.

This is a bad bill, and for once, it's a good thing that our Congress is distracted by other matters. Nothing is better than something here.

BTW, MSNBC's new "Red Tape Chronicles" blog is very promising. I like the idea of a really qualified guy, and Bob Sullivan is certainly that, dedicated to exposing fraud, bad laws, sloth-like bureaucracy, etc. Keep an eye on it.

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