Sunday, April 02, 2006

More "Lost" goodies

Geeding, the master of all things "Lost", has provided a couple of mind-blowers from the show. All avowed Losties should drop what they're doing and check these babies out:

1. From Entertainment Weekly, a vidcap and some analysis of the looney black-light map Locke saw on the inside of the blast door in the episode entitled "Lockdown".

2. From (a fan site, I think), a video which sure looks like another Dharma Initiative training video, ala the "Swan Station" film Desmond bequeathed to Locke early in Season 2. This one has not made it onto the air yet.

Have I mentioned recently that I LOVE THIS SHOW?

By the way, go check out the new and improved Bag of Nothing, and leave a little love for Geeding. The man gets up at a ridiculously early hour every morning, just to provide his public with top-notch entertainment. His stuff should be on your daily reading list. It sure is on mine.

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