Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Introduction

Just a quick post to introduce myself and get my feet wet in the CIT world. Indeed, I am the Curmudgeon's younger brother -- I don't even know what nomenclature this would classify me as -- perhaps "Disgruntled 40-year-old" or maybe just "Stinky". Regardless, here I am.

I am, as I said, 40. My hair is both graying and falling out at the same time I seem to be rapidly losing weight (probably due to the stress of my new job -- more on that in a minute). But this is neither hair nor there (wha-ha-ha).

Politically, I lean to the left -- sometimes really left. Dennis Kucinich, although unelectable because he actually makes sense and speaks from his heart, is my mouthpiece. I supported Carol Mosely Braun in the last election.

My reading habits reflect the dichotomy that tends to seep into many aspects of my life-- I am an avid reader of both Poetry and Comic Books. My favorite poets are Russell Edson, Charles Simic, Stephen Dobyns, and of course, above all, for sweeping majesty and that tightening testicle raw emotion, my lover, my friend, my holy trinity wrapped up in a great gray beard, dear departed Walt Whitman.

My taste in comics runs from typical superhero fare from Marvel comics and the less known Image comics (especially my and my son's favorite Invincible and my personal favorite, The Walking Dead) To a new facination with horror comics. I am no fan of DC comics, as they tend to talk down to their audience and their continuity has become confusing and preposterous.

I have much to say about the state of education today, having been a High School English teacher for 9 years and now a Charter School Administrator (at Sierra Montessori Academy), but I will save all this for a later post, when I have more time and feel more confident in what I have to say (no matter how puerile or wonky).

Just wanted to say hello.

So, "hello"

I'll be back soon. Have a Happy Slaughter of the Mal-Treated Turkeys Day!

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