Thursday, December 07, 2006

Daily YouTube: Just in case you forgot what day it is

It was a long time ago, and most of those who survived that day are either no longer with us or not with us for long. It's a day that lends itself to some thoughts and comparisons (from

A stronger, far more affluent United States believes it can use less of its power against the terrorists than a much poorer America did against the formidable Japanese and Germans.

World War II, which saw more than 400,000 Americans killed, was not nearly as controversial or frustrating as one that has so far taken less than one-hundredth of that terrible toll.

And after Pearl Harbor, Americans believed they had no margin of error in an elemental war for survival. Today, we are apparently convinced that we can lose ground, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq, and still not lose either the war or our civilization.

Of course, by 1945, Americans no longer feared another Pearl Harbor. Yet, we, in a far stronger and larger United States, are still not sure we won’t see another Sept 11.

Not sure what it all means, but it's definitely a day to stop, think, and pay respects.

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