

A Palestinian psycho ran amuck with a front-end loader in Jerusalem earlier on Wednesday, killing at least 3 and injuring 40+. The rampage ended when an Israeli in civilian clothes - the BBC says he was a plain-clothes policeman, MSNBC says he was an off-duty soldier - jumped into the cab of the loader and shot the driver dead.
You have to hand it to the Palestinian terror groups. They really are masters at low-tech, asymetrical warfare. How do you mount an effective deterrent against an unarmed dude going nuts with a piece of civilian construction equipment? Seems to me that pretty much the only thing you can do is what the Israelis already have done, which is arm as many of your citizens as you can, and let them react when something like this happens. Hopefully, some concerned citizen blows the cretin out of his socks before the civilian casualty count gets too high. That's apparently exactly what happened here.
The Israelis are truly amazing. They have built a highly functional society while looking over their shoulders constantly. Just think what they might accomplish if they actually get a bit of peace and security.
The video, courtesy of Al Jazeera:
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