Friday, May 09, 2008

Daily YouTube: Where there's a will, there's a way

The Get Out Clause, a band from Manchester (in the UK, mate) is a band with some gumption.

Unable to afford a camera crew and equipment to make a video, they put their noggins together and came up with a genius idea. Taking advantage of the Brit obsession with CCTV cameras, they moved their equipment all over Manchester, set up in crosswalks, street corners, shop entrances, even on a bus, and played their single "Paper". Then they requested the footage from the camera owners under the Freedom of Information Act. They cobbled together clips from over 20 cameras and, voila, a video was born.

I am not prepared to call these guys the next Beatles, or even the next Housemartins, but they aren't terrible, and the video is kind of fun.

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