Thursday, March 30, 2006

World talks tough to Iran; Iranians have nation-wide giggle fit

The US, China, Russian, UK, France, and Germany have told Iran to stop their nuclear program or face "isolation", whatever that means.

The Russians have gone out of their way to clarify "isolation" as NOT including sanctions. So, I guess the rest of the world will talk to each other at cocktail parties while pointedly ignoring Iran like an ex-girlfriend. Oooo, harsh.

The Iranians are laughing their asses off as the world fumbles for a way to deal with their nuclear program. Iran's barmy Pres, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has proven time and again that he can say anything that pops into his breezy brain with no significant consequences. Now the whole country is learning to thumb their noses at the rest of humanity while they do whatever they damn well please.

I hate to say it, but I don't really think I'm going too far out on a limb when I predict that AQ or one of their correspondent groups will set off a dirty bomb or the real, fissiony deal in a major Western city in the not-too-distant future. Stamped on the bomb case will be the words "Made in Iran" and a big, smilely mullah. And we'll all wish we had shown some spine back in 2006, when it would have made some difference.

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