Thursday, May 25, 2006

Maybe the coolest piece of everyday tech ever

Go check out this site for the new Nike+ demo video.

Nike+, in case you haven't heard, is new technology that enables your running shoes to talk to your iPod Nano. Before you start giggling, let me explain briefly.

A sensor in your Nike+ shoes communicates wirelessly with an app running on your iPod. The sensor/app combo figures out pace, distance, elapsed time, etc and communicates this to you verbally thru the iPod, while your pre-programmed workout song list is playing. If you need an extra boost, you press a button on the iPod and go directly to your pre-selected "Power Song".

This is genius. I have been running since the beginning of the year, but have hesitated to run anywhere but on a treadmill. Yes, it's dreadfully boring, but I don't know how else to maintain a steady pace, figure out how far I've gone, or keep really accurate track of elapsed time.

And, let me tell you, certain songs on my Creative Muvo get me going a lot better than others. However, I have no way of choosing them on the fly, at least not without unclipping the Muvo and scrolling through a bunch of menus. This is NOT what I want to be doing in mile 3 at 6.5 mph. If I need a "Power Song", I need it NOW.

This may be the killer app for me, and may finally push me into the Cult of iPod. I'll let you know.

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