Sunday, January 25, 2009

Duelling noise

I am catching up on the news today whilst waiting for the children at Sunday school.

So here I am at good old Temple Shalom, in the Adult Lounge (which I've always wondered about - should houses of worship really have an area referred to as an "Adult Lounge"?). On the left, the Israeli Dance class has the latest Top 40 from Tel Aviv turned up to 11 on the boom box. Across the way, Rabbi Paley has the next crop of Bar and Bat Mitzvah kids on the bima and is checking them out on the process of speaking thru the sanctuary's PA, and over to the right the Brotherhood has some speaker from the Trinity River Project giving a presentation over the PA in the Social Hall.

To combat all this, I'm doing the logical thing - turning Aerosmith's first album up on Super-Phone and rocking out! "Make It", baby!

My head may yet explode this morning!

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