Monday, September 24, 2007

The Mahmoud Show strikes out in Manhattan

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad didn't exactly charm the crowd during his scheduled appearance at Columbia University today.

After a shockingly cold introduction by Columbia President Lee Bollinger, who described Ahmadinejad as a "cruel dictator" who denied the Holocaust, Mahmoud was visibly pissed. He responded by calling Bollinger's comments an "insult".

Waaa waaa waaa.

Ahmadinejad went on to toss off laugh lines like "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country." He seemed surprised when the audience gave him a big old guffaw.

I had fears that our buddy Mahmoud was going to be greeted by the pointy-headed "intellectuals" at Columbia like a conquering hero. I'm very glad to have been wrong. Way to go, President Bollinger. You have restored my faith.

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